About Child Sponsorship


Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress. - James 1:27

Your sponsorship is making a difference!

 Sponsor a Child for $35/Month

Your sponsorship helps to provide for an orphan's material, social, medical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Everything a child receives at RG is supported through the generosity of sponsors such as yourself.

Sponsorship is much more than simply providing the funds needed to care for our orphans. It is a relational investment. Most RG children are true orphans, meaning they have lost both parents.  They are overjoyed when learning that someone in this world has taken notice of them; treasuring the fact that someone cares about them and prays for them by name.

Sponsorship is a relationship between you and a special child.  This child will know your name, write to you and benefit from your love, prayers, and support.  Sponsors receive photos of their child and are highly encouraged to send letters, birthday cards, and photos to the child they sponsor.


*Restoration Gateway is a registered 501(c)3